360 Campaign
Unplug to Connect
Technology obsessed individuals are staring at a screen at home and at work. They know it’s bad, but there’s nothing else to do. We want people to unwind by unplugging. Technology is overrated. There’s a lot of scrolling, a few funny videos, and a lot of B.S. Most of all, it’s keeping you away from friends, family, and the people you love. Hasbro wants you to close your laptop, turn off the T.V., put the phone down. And open your mind to the people around you – connect.
The campaign is launched with a Times square blackout and full size game installations for the people there to play with. Following this there will be a takeover of popular tech sites, apps, businesses, social media channels, bus stops, and ride shares prompting users to avoid using tech and rewarding them for entering tech dead zones every Tuesday. We want users to take a break from tech, not completely abandon it. The campaign wraps up with a SXSW takeover offering users the ability to take a break from the overwhelming number of tech booths in a game area.